
Redux / Immutable Data

Use ID

Working with the tree using immutable data is completely possible.

The only thing the tree will try to change in your data is add an id property in case it doesn't exist.

So make sure to either:

  1. Provide a unique id property on each node
  2. If you have a different property that represents the id, then set the idField in the options

Override drop action

If you are using drag and drop, then the default behaviour is to call moveNode, which tries to alter the children array.
If you wish to implement drag and drop, you must override the action and supply your custom behaviour:

options = {
  actionMapping: {
    mouse: {
      drop: (tree: TreeModel, node: TreeNode, $event: any, {from , to}: {from: any, to: any}) => {
        // custom action. parameters: from = node, to = {parent, index}

Rebuilding the tree

The model rebuilds the internal TreeNodes for the entire tree whenever the data changes.
This might be costly if you have a huge amount of nodes that change all the time.