
Getting Started

This page will help you get started with angular-tree-component.
You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Angular 2..6

Angular Tree Component supports Angular release version 2.x.x through 6.x.x.



npm install --save angular-tree-component

Basic usage

Import the CSS

@import '~angular-tree-component/dist/angular-tree-component.css';

Import the module, and use the tree-root component:

// module:
import { TreeModule } from 'angular-tree-component';

  imports: [..., TreeModule],
export class AppModule {

// usage:
  selector: 'app',
  template: '<tree-root [nodes]="nodes" [options]="options"></tree-root>'

export class App {
  nodes = [
      id: 1,
      name: 'root1',
      children: [
        { id: 2, name: 'child1' },
        { id: 3, name: 'child2' }
      id: 4,
      name: 'root2',
      children: [
        { id: 5, name: 'child2.1' },
          id: 6,
          name: 'child2.2',
          children: [
            { id: 7, name: 'subsub' }
  options = {};


  • Keyboard navigation
  • Drag & Drop
  • Virtual Scroll to support large trees
  • Checkboxes
  • Async children load
  • Expand / collapse / select nodes
  • Events: activate, collapse, expand, focus, etc.
  • Custom node template (string or component)
  • Custom loading component (for async data)
  • Custom children / name attributes
  • API
  • Very basic customizable CSS

See more in the sidebar help pages.

Professional Support

Please fill this form to get quick and professional support (bug report / feature request / help implementing / etc.):

  • note: This project is completely free and open to use under the MIT license.
    If you wish to get help from fellow community developers, feel free to use Github issues.

Sorry guys, SystemJS is not supported.
Modern web applications use bundlers like Webpack.

We've tried to support SystemJS for a year, but it just causes too many issues.